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Marketing / Branding

Helping you and your organization get the word out..

Marketing or Branding?

Marketing is used to create the customer, to keep the customer and to satisfy the customer. With the customer as the focus of its activities, it can be concluded that marketing is one of the premier components of business management. Branding is the expression of the essential truth or value of an organization, product, or service. It is communication of characteristics, values, and attributes that clarify what this particular brand is and is not. With that said, branding should both precede and underlie any marketing effort.


Tactical - Unearths and activates buyers.

Marketing is an essential tool for the success of all business and nonprofit activity. What matters is not what you do; what matters is that you communicate what you do so that others will take interest in it, buy it, support it, join it, and tell friends about it. 

We will help you define your business and suggest a marketing plan that will work best. Once a marketing plan has been defined and agreed on, we will communicate the promise that you want customers and prospects to know about. Your marketing will  be based on your brand positioning, personality, values and tone of voice that have all been defined and communicated among your staff.

We will get your message or promise out to customers!


Strategic - Makes loyal customers, advocates, even evangelists, out of those who buy.

Your brand is everything within your company and it's imperative to define what it stands for. Some businesses know what they are from day one and as long as they stay small and keep the same employees, then they may not need to change. However, for most firms, things change - sales drop, people leave or a competitor threatens your position within the industry. You have to identify your target audience and what they want, say why you are better than your competitors and come up with a short statement that describes your brand's purpose. If you define what your brand stands for, then it becomes easier to make decisions such as, who you should hire, what products to sell, how your communications should sound and even what your office environment should look like. 

We will assist you in unlocking the power of your brand!